MIRDC Customer Portal

Providing easier and faster access to MIRDC's services


Track your technical service requests in no time, anywhere in the world


View the progress in any screen sizes, Desktop, tablet and mobile


Relax! The system is fast and efficient in tracking your TSRs

Enter TSR No.

TSR No. is located at the top of the document


{{ tsrNo }}

{{ prog.action === 'SIGNED BY RSP' || prog.action === 'SIGNED BY DIVISION CHIEF' ? 'READY FOR PICKUP' : prog.action === 'DATE TESTED' ? 'TEST/CALIBRATION COMPLETED' : prog.action }}

{{ $moment(prog.datetime).format('MMM D, YYYY | h:mma') }}

{{ prog.sample }}
{{ prog.remarks }}

Please bring original copy of Technical Service Request (TSR). The TSR serves as your CLAIM STUB. In case of lost TSR, kindly bring letter of authorization stating the name of the person authorized to claim the certificates/items.)

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