Today, the DOST-MIRDC goes to Batangas to deliver donations of face shields to the medical frontliners. 

The men and women behind the face shields are the heroes who are fighting for every Filipino. 

And we are humbled to be at their service. 

We invite our partners and stakeholders to take part in this cause.  Donations of materials for the face shields are most welcome.  Please contact us through these numbers:

0908 8158167

0927 9885367

0908 1790502



 bauan gen hosp

Bauan General Hospital

Bauan, Batangas

christ the savior gen hosp

Christ the Saviour General Hospital

Rosario, Batangas

don manuel lopez hosp

Don Manuel Lopez Memorial Hospital

Balayan, Batangas

martin marasigan memorial hospital

Martin Marasigan Memorial Hospital

Cuenca, Batangas

medical center western batangas

Medical Center Western Batangas

Balayan, Batangas

calaca calatagan

Ospital ng Calaca

Calaca, Batangas

san juan district hosp

San Juan District Hospital

San Juan, Batangas