Molding the Future of Metal Industries"

The Materials and Process Research Division a division of MIRDC specializes in metalcasting of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys. Using specialized metalcasting technologies such as investment casting and its conventional casting capabilities, MIRDC undertakes prototype production of engineered and decorative products. Likewise, casting product localization, alloy formulation can also be accomodated through contract research activity. MCTD also offers rental of facilities to SME's through time-sharing scheme.


Conventional Casting Section 

Patternshop - capable of producing wood, polymer and metal patterns.

Molding Shop - employs green sand molding process utilizing pin-lift molding machines and Furan molding process using a 4-ton capacity continuous mixer.

Melting Shop - Consists of:

  • crucible furnace for melting non-ferrous alloys with the following capacities:

    • 50 kg
    • 300 kg
    • 600 kg
  • high frequency induction furnaces capable of melting ferrous alloys, with the following capacities:

    • 10 kg
    • 50 kg
    • 150 kg
    • 250 kg
    • 500 kg

Precision Casting Section

Investment Casting (Ceramic Shell Process) - This process involves dipping the entire cluster of heat-disposable pattern into a ceramic slurry and coating with ceramic material until a self-supporting shell has been formed. The coated cluster is then dewaxed, fired at high temperature and poured with molten metal. MCTD has a complete facilities for this process.


    • The ability to produce extremely intricate or compound shapes which are impossible, unreasonable or more costly to produce by any other means.
    • Casting to size, with little or no finish machining required.
    • The casting of parts from alloys not readily machinable in production.
    • Eliminating the waste of expensive or critical materials, such as stainless steels or semi-precious metals, during machining operations.
    • The manufacture of castings that cannot be made as a single unit by any other manufacturing process.
    • Reproduction of intricate shapes with extremely fine detail.
    • Production of parts with normal surface finishes "as-cast" of 70 to 90 microinches in nonferrous metals and 100 to 125 microinches in ferrous metals.
    • Wide latitude of design, variety and continuity of form.

Shell Molding - This process produces castings with relatively accurate and smooth surfaces. Cores and molds are considerable strong and can be easily mass produced. MCTD has the following facilities:

  • Resin Coated Sand Mixer - cold sand high speed mixer with a capacity of 60 kg per batch
  • 3 Shell Core Shooters
  • 3 Shell Molding Machines

Die Casting Machines - MCTD has three die casting machines. These are:

  • Hot Chamber Die Casting Shinozuka Model: SD-25-OHA
  • Cold Chamber Die Casting "TOSHIBA" Model: DC 25OC
    Machine Dimension: 5.4 x 1.7 x 2.5m
  • Low Pressure Die Casting Type: SK-110
    Pattern Size: 660 x 660 x 260mm

Casting Design and Process/Quality Control Capabilities:

In order to attain its quality objectives and meet the specified requirements of the customers, MCTD utilizes different control and testing equipment to ensure the quality of cast products.

Solstar Solidification Simulation Software - A simulation program to predict, simulate and analyze the likelihood of defects during actual casting as well as optimizes the casting process. It has the following features:

  • Solid Modelling
  • Thermal Analysis
  • Solidification Simulation

Meltlab Carbon Equipment (CE Meter) - provides reliable means to analyze and evaluate the composition of gray and ductile iron.

Shimadzu Optical Emission Spectrometer - quantitative determination of trace and major elements in ingots and castings. It has a maximum of 64 channels and capable of analyzing 32 elements at present.

Sand Testing Equipment

  • Compressive Strength
  • oisture Teller
  • Permeability Meter
  • Mold Hardness Tester
  • Bending Strength Tester
  • Rotap Machine
  • Clay Content Determinator

Metallurgical Microscope - Olympus

Ultrasonic Tester - Kraut Krammer 0.4 - 20 mhz


  • Minolta Spot Meter - 600-3,000oC
  • Immersion Type
    • Type K, -70 - 1370oC
    • Type S, 25 - 1770oC

    Aside from short series experimental production and product development, MCTD also offers time-sharing of its facilities to foundries with limited capabilities.