"Molding the Future of Metal Industries"

The MIRDC proudly celebrated the Metals and Engineering (M&E) week with the holding of the M & E Conference on June 18 with the theme: “Makibayan 2014: Pushing Forward for Industry Competitiveness.” During this special occasion, the MIRDC named Dr. John Hermes D. Bautista of the Philippine Metalcasting Association, Incorporated (PMAI)  as the 2014 MIRDC Legacy Trophy Awardee. The MIRDC along with all the champions of the M & E industries are inspired by the  accomplishments  by the man whom a lot of people call simply as “Mang” Hermes. Dr. Agustin M. Fudolig, Chairman of the M&E Week 2014 highlighted some of “Mang” Hermes contribution to the M&E industries:

  1. He introduced the shell molding process in the Philippines after a series of full-packed training and experience abroad.
  2. He introduced the sodium silicate process of core and moldmaking in the Philippines.
  3. He played a major role in the organization of the Philippine Foundrymen’s Society (PFS).
  4. He served as Executive Director of the Philippine Iron and Steel Institute (PISI) and the Metal Engineering Industry Foundation, Inc. (MEIFI).
  5. He wrote Technical Articles for the Metal Casting Technologies, an Australian technical magazine published quarterly.
  6. He rendered consultancy for many organizations and devoted most of his life to improve the metalcasting industry.

In his response message, Dr. Bautista told the audience that Time cannot be regained.” But, according to him, it can be lived through again by remembering – and remembering all the good and pleasant times along with all the frustrations. They can neither be changed nor modified.” The awarding was held at the Auditorium of the newly renovated MWS I Bldg, MIRDC, Bicutan Taguig City. This is MIRDC’s tradition in giving honor to whom honor is due. Just as what is written in the scriptures Romans 13:7: “Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.”

MIRDC acknowledges all the efforts and hard works of Dr. Bautista that helped the MIRDC attain its mission and vision. The Center with the entire M&E industries salute “The Complete Foundryman” for his valuable contribution to the industry. For him, “to sustain industry growth, we must pay attention to three things: (1) Identify and explore new markets; (2) increase foundry productivity; and (3) improve the whole spectrum of foundry manpower.”