"Molding the Future of Metal Industries"


The Metals Industry Research and Development Center (MIRDC) through its Technology Information and Promotion Section (TIPS) is currently conducting a survey of metalworking firms engaged in welding and electroplating processes to determine the status of the said sectors. Aside from general information, the study also focuses on industry, market and technical aspects of operation. Through the survey, the electroplating and welding sectors’ production capacity and technical profile will be determined. Pertinent information will be provided to our policy makers, policy implementers and members of the industry to be used for decision-making and formulation of recommendations in terms of facilities upgrading, personnel development and investment incentives.

To do away with time-consuming survey, the staff verified information from previous surveys to update company’s profile. The Center assures the respondent-firms that all information will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Data will be consolidated and analyzed. The initial reports will be subjected to further validation through focus group discussions. The final report will then be published after a series of reviews.

The MIRDC will make the sector report easily accessible to those who need it: the government in the legislative and cabinet level for mapping out more accurate planning strategies; the government in the agency level for addressing the problems of the said sectors; the concerned public and private organizations for developing roadmaps to fulfill and the technology and training requirements of the industry; all firms in the M&E industries for identifying and implementing relevant S & T interventions. Ultimately, the respondent –firms will receive significant benefits from this initiative. The government can generate better programs including training, consultancy and financial assistance in order to boost the industry’s competitiveness. The respondent-firms are given priority to receive these benefits from the program of the government.