DOST’s AMCen Launched as the Third Advanced Manufacturing Institute: Towards an Industry 4.0-Ready Filipino Workforce
by Faith P. Macatangay
“AMCen’s vision to become a leading hub of additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping aligns perfectly with USAID’s mission to develop a highly skilled workforce for this innovative sector,” USAID Acting Mission Director Betty Chung shared about the launch of AMI in the metropolis.
The Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Development Alliance (AMDev) Program, under the partnership of Unilab Foundation, Inc. (ULF) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Philippines, formally launched Department of Science and Technology-Metals Industry Research and Development Center‘s (DOST-MIRDC) Advanced Manufacturing Center (AMCen), as the country’s third Advanced Manufacturing Institute (AMI) on July 29, 2024, at the DOST-MIRDC Compound, Taguig City.
Officials from the ULF, USAID, AMDev, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), and DOST during the unveiling of the AMDev marker located at the AMCen Building.
AMI is one of the flagship initiatives of the AMDev program. These institutes, established through collaborative partnerships, will serve as a learning hub that will prepare the Filipino manufacturing workforce for the fourth industrial revolution.
Atty. Jose Maria Ochave, Executive Director of ULF, emphasized the goals of the partnership, “By uniting AMDev’s vision of accessible innovation hubs with DOST-MIRDC’s extensive resources and network, we hope to forge a path toward a future-proof workforce.”
AMCen is the Philippines’ first technological hub for additive manufacturing or 3D printing. As an AMI, the Center will provide training programs on additive manufacturing to 11,000 people who are currently employed or will be employed in the manufacturing industry.
During the event, AMCen Steering Committee member Dr. Rigoberto Advincula introduced the pilot batch of 23 trainees. Their training on emerging technologies commenced right after the launching program.
Engr. Noilan S. Santiaguel from TDK Philippines Corporation stated his expectations for the training, “Isa sa mga functions ko is to do factory innovation. Pinadala ako to learn new ways to do manufacturing.”
Secretary Renato U. Solidum, Jr. also stated DOST’s full support to the AMI’s initiative, “In addition to pursuing the enhancement of skills of the workforce, AMCen as the newest AMI, will also focus its attention to materials R&D, prototyping and fabrication, collaborations and partnerships, technical services, training services, and policy standards. As such, AMCen is going to be the one-stop solution center for additive manufacturing concerns of the industry.”
DOST-MIRDC Executive Director Robert O. Dizon added, “As agents of positive change, clients and stakeholders rely on us and look up to us for direction to set a clear path. The path that we will create is the one that is sure to lead us to increased productivity and competitiveness.”
Attendees from the industry, academe, media, and government during the AMDev – DOST-AMCen AMI Launch at the DOST-MIRDC Compound, Taguig
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