Importance of Science and Technology Apply to All, Even to Electric Poles
By: Jim Patrick S.D. Erispe
Electric posts have welded metals that provide added strength. That is, if the metals are checked and tested regularly.
Electric poles along Quirino Highway in San Jose del Monte, Bulacan had their ‘check-up’ done in 2020.
The check-up conducted is called the Liquid Penetrant Testing, which focused on welded joints of the poles.
For the sake of raising the public’s awareness on how science and technology find application in all that we do, the Liquid Penetrant Testing is a kind of non-destructive test (NDT). It is a test that does not break apart or destroys a sample.
It is a test method that is very effective in detecting porosity, cracks, fractures, laps, seams, and other flaws which may be caused by fatigue, impact, quenching, machining, grinding, forging, bursts, shrinkage, or overload.
If left untested, the public has no way of determining the integrity of various structures that we commonly see and use daily.
The test conducted will show the actual condition of an electrical pole. Results will determine if the electrical pole can withstand earthquakes and typhoons, absorb energies from impacts of vehicles in accidents, and carry heavy electrical or internet cables.
The test generally offers safety to the general public.
The Liquid Penetrant Testing is a service offered by the Non-Destructive Laboratory of the Department of Science and Technology – Metals Industry Research and Development Center.
This is just one of the many ways by which science and technology find application in the everyday life of each Filipino.
Philippines First 3D Printing Laboratory to Launch in April 2021
by Faith P. Macatangay on March 1, 2021
Taguig City, Metro Manila– The 3D printing technologies and services of the Advanced Manufacturing Center (AMCen) is set to launch on 12 April 2021.
An additional facility of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the AMCen aims to be the first technological hub for Additive Manufacturing (AM) or 3D printing in the county.
The AMCen is a project co-implemented by the DOST-Metals Industry Research and Development Center (DOST-MIRDC) and the DOST-Industrial Technology Development Institute (DOST-ITDI). Joining the two lead agencies in the implementation of the AMCen project is Dr. Rigoberto Advincula, a Case Western Reserve University professor.
“AMCen aims to connect scientists, consultants, engineers, and other professionals from different disciplines to create a robust ecosystem that will speed up the adoption of additive manufacturing as an alternative to traditional processes,” Engr. Fred P. Liza, AMCen’s Program Leader and Chief of the DOST-MIRDC’s Materials and Process Research Division (MPRD) shared.
For the latest updates, visit their website at or on their Facebook page, Advanced Manufacturing Center.
Watch Out for More Innovation from the Regions, Says DOST
by Faith P. Macatangay
Innovation need not be confined to cities.
Each region is eyed to be a breeding ground for innovation through the establishment of Metals and Engineering Innovation Centers (MEIC). Leading the regions where MEIC establishment is concerned are the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), Regions I, II, III, and X.
The MEICs are especially designed to cater to peculiar metalworking needs of the regions, and this will be realized through the partnership of the Department of Science and Technology-Metals Industry Research and Development Center (DOST-MIRDC) with the academe: the Ifugao State University (CAR), the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University (DMMMSU) in Region I, the Cagayan State University (CSU) in Region II, the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST) in Region III, and University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP) in Region X.
Playing a crucial role in the roll-out of the MEIC project are the DOST Regional Offices which are nominating academic institutions as prospective MEICs.
Fabrication equipment will be installed in the MEICs. These will be included in the mainstream engineering and engineering-related curricula of the partner academic institutions. The MEIC will not only house equipment and technology, but will be a center for research and development activities as well as a hub where metalworking expertise will be optimized and shared to encourage continual innovation.
The MEIC project team conducted a site inspection of the MEICs in preparation for the arrival and installation of equipment. Very soon, product development, fabrication, and manufacturing will be a productive economic activity in the countryside.
PH All Set to Take Part in the Advanced Manufacturing Arena
by Ronald L. Agustin on March 1, 2021
The country will take a serious swing at being a technological hub in the ASEAN region through the Advanced Manufacturing Center (AMCen). With its offerings such as top-of-the-line advanced manufacturing (AM) technologies, state-of-the-art prototyping laboratory, and AM experts, to name a few, the country is sure to step up in the competitiveness game.
The country will take a serious swing at being a technological hub in the ASEAN region through the Advanced Manufacturing Center (AMCen). With its offerings such as top-of-the-line advanced manufacturing (AM) technologies, state-of-the-art prototyping laboratory, and AM experts, to name a few, the country is sure to step up in the competitiveness game.
Advanced countries have been into the Industry 4.0 trend. This phenomenon has only landed on Filipinos’ consciousness quite recently.
As a result of the I4.0, manufacturing industries around the world point to technologies that increase productivity – and this is what AMCen is all about.
Take for instance the 3D printing technology.
There are limitless potentials especially now that the most sophisticated industries, including aerospace, defense, health and medical, biotechnology, automotive, and electronics and semicon are turning their attention to 3D printing and finding numerous ways of its application.
The AMCen is a project of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the DOST-Industrial Technology and Development Institute (DOST-ITDI), and the DOST-Metals Industry Research and Development Center (DOST-MIRDC).
Launching of the AMCen facility is set on April 12, 2021.
This is a facility that will offer AM capability building. True to the DOST Secretary Fortunato T. de la Pena’s battlecry, the AMCen is indeed going to bring benefits of ‘science for the people.