"Molding the Future of Metal Industries"

It is a machine typically made up of a frying vessel, an oil pre-heating vessel, a vacuum pump, and a control panel that is designed to deep-fry fruits, vegetables, fish and meat.

Vacuum frying is a method that uses less oil and requires no preservative.

Vacuum-fried food products have reduced oil and water contents so that a high quality crisp texture is achieved while flavour consistency and color of food are maintained.

Vacuum frying is a method that will enhance the performance and productivity of Food Processing Firms (FPFs).

Target Sector:  Food Processing


Engr. Jose B. Ferrer
Engr. Francisco C. Dime
Engr. Isidro D.Millo
Engr. Jenny P. Calaquian
Engr. Ronie S. Alamon
Mr. Roland P. Clavio
(in cooperation with ITDI and PMEDSO)

Registry No./Utility Model:  Application on-going

"Molding the Future of Metal Industries"

Spray drying is a technique of using hot gas to produce a dry powder after rapidly drying a liquid or slurry.

The Spray Dryer works with the mechanism of separating the solute or suspension particles as a solid and the solvent as vapour.  It makes use of a spray nozzle that disperses the liquid or slurry into a controlled drop size spray.

This technology is widely used in the production of dry solids in the form of powdery substance or granules such as in the preparation of pharmaceutical products, beverages, food, colourings, and plant extracts.

Spray drying is a method that will enhance the performance and productivity of Food Processing Firms (FPFs).

Target Sector:  Food Processing


Engr. Jose B. Ferrer
Engr. Francisco C. Dime
Engr. Isidro D.Millo
Engr. Jenny P. Calaquian
Engr. Ronie S. Alamon
Mr. Roland P. Clavio
(in cooperation with ITDI and PMEDSO)

Registry No./Utility Model:  Application on-going


"Molding the Future of Metal Industries"

Vacuum Packaging Machine


It extends the shelf life of food, thus significantly protects food from spoilage.

It inhibits growth of anaerobic microorganisms by removing most of the air that surrounds the food product.

The machine is advisable for long-term storage of dry food, and short-term preservation of vegetables, meat, and liquids.

The Vacuum Packaging Machine cuts losses due to food wastage.  Wastage reduction will eventually be translated to higher income and more viable business.


Target Sector: Food


Project Leader: Ms. Nelia Elisa C. Florendo (ITDI)

In charge of Fabrication: MIRDC

  • Engr. Jose B. Ferrer
  • Engr. Isidro D. Millo
  • Engr. Francis C. Dime

(in co-implementation with ITDI; in cooperation with PMEDSO)

"Molding the Future of Metal Industries"

This equipment utilizes the drying process, which preserves samples by means of the removal of water.

After the material is frozen, it is placed on trays in the vacuum chamber where just enough heat is added and the surrounding pressure is reduced to allow frozen water in the material to sublime.

With reduced moisture content, the growth of microorganisms is inhibited.  Thus, sample’s shelf-life is extended.

Freeze drying is a method that will enhance the performance and productivity of Food Processing Firms (FPFs).

Target Sector:  Food Processing


MIRDC Project Team in charge of fabrication: Engr. Jose B. Ferrer
Engr. Francisco C. Dime
Engr. Isidro D.Millo
Engr. Jenny P. Calaquian
Engr. Ronie S. Alamon
Mr. Roland P. Clavio
(in cooperation with ITDI and PMEDSO)

Registry No./Utility Model:  Application on-going

"Molding the Future of Metal Industries"

Sweet Sorghum Juicer



It is a machine run by an 8-horsepower single cylinder diesel engine that extracts juice from sweet sorghum with a maximum capacity of 200 kg/day.


It effectively extracts juice from sorghum stalks.  Juice collected from this plant is used as ingredient for making syrup, molasses, or ethanol.


This machine not only effectively collects juice. It also easily makes bagasse, the fibrous matter, available in producing biofuel and in the making of pulp, paper products and building materials. 


Target Sector:  Food; Industrial


Project Leader:  Engr. Jose B. Ferrer

Asst. Project Leader:  Engr. Ronnie S. Alamon